Other articles

  1. Delayed Update

    Over Thanksgiving Break, I started getting good painterly results under 'controlled' situations. Spheres and other simple structures with very regular geometry work very well.

    [gallery link="file"]

    You can see the indentations from the bump map show up as brush strokes on the final image, which is awesome.

    The next ...

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  2. Painterly Shelf-Life

    As mentioned previously, I was asked to plug my painterly work onto Shelf-Life. The results are not quite as good as I'd hoped, but it's something.

    Mesh-resolution independence is something I'd hoped I'd be able to produce, but the geometry shader output limitations prevent much subdivision ...

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  3. Shadow Mapping, SlimDX, DX11

    The loss of my desktops SSD recently 'inspired' me to finally examine a simple graphical technique I'd previously never implemented: depth map shadows. I'd always read about the technique, and on the surface, it's rather simple, but I'd never implemented it myself to really grok it ...

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  4. Shelf-Life is Mechanically Complete

    Yesterday, my 3D Graphics Programming project reached a major milestone: We're mechanically complete. This means that every mechanic we feel is absolutely necessary to the game is in place. They need to have their parameters tweaked and their behaviors balanced, but all logic is in place and all behavior ...

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  5. Shmup You and Imaginary Radius

    As we speak, I'm about half-way through the design phase of my capstone project here at RIT.

    The capstone process for the Masters of Game Design and Development program I'm pursuing is divided into two phases: 1 quarter design and 1 quarter development. The goal of this process ...

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  6. Stack Overflow and the Xbox 360

    I discovered some unexpected behavior while working on Shmup You this past week. On the Xbox 360, creating an infinite recursion via a property won't cause a stack overflow exception. Instead, the screen will black, and the Visual Studio debugger will lose all symbols and stacks on every thread ...

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  7. Start

    I'm starting this blog to document my personal development projects and experiments. I'm at the start of a quarter at RIT in my 2nd year of the GDD graduate program. I'm taking 3D graphics programming, Game Industry Development Processes, and conducting an independent study to develop a ...

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